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Compaq Super VGA chips.
There are 3 "Families" of Compaq VGA chips:
Integrated Video Graphics System (IVGS aka Starlight):
Supports 640x480x16c. BitBLT functions
Advanced VGA System (AVGA aka Stardust):
Supports 800x600x16c and 640x480x256c. BitBLT functions.
Supports 1024x768x256c. Newer versions support 1280x1024 and/or TrueColor.
Hardware Cursor, BitBLT.
QVision (128084) Max 1MB (Victory)
QVision 1024 Max 2MB (V32 ?)
QVision 1280 (139148) Max 2MB (V32)
The QVision 2000 is actually a Matrox MGA-II (Ultima) clone.
3C2h (W): Miscellaneous
bit 2-4 (QVision) Clock select. In AVGA mode the two lower bits selects
one of 4 clocks, in QVision mode (3CEh index 0Fh <> A5h) these
3 bits selects 1 of 8 other clocks, thus there are 12 clocks
available on the QVision.
Note: This is a standard VGA register, all other bits follow VGA standard.
This register can be read at 3CCh.
3CEh index 0Bh (R/W):
bit 0 ??
1 If set the ROM is 16bit wide, 8 if clear
2 If set video memory is 16bit wide, 8 if clear
3 Blanks screen if set ??
4 ??
3CEh index 0Ch (R): Controller Version
bit 3-7 Version.
03h: IVGS
05h: AVGA
06h: Original QVision
0Eh: QVision 1024 or 1280
10h: Advanced VGA Port (What is this?)
3CEh index 0Dh (R/W): Extended Controller Version
3CEh index 0Eh (R/W): Extended Controller Capabilities
3CEh index 0Fh (R/W): Environment Register
bit 0-3 writing 5 to this register unlocks the extended registers.
4-7 (QVision) 0Ah if in AVGA mode, 0 if in QVision mode
Note: The QVision has a specific mode for AVGA support (Mode 29h and 2Eh),
where the AVGA accelerator function and registers are used.
3CEh index 10h (R/W): BLTConf
bit 0-1 ??
2 (QVision) If set the 2xxxh-3xxxh register block is mapped at 4xxxh
3-4 (chip ?) Video interrupt. 0= Active Low, 1,3=Active High, 2=Disabled.
3 (QVision) If set enables access to some of the extended registers ?
5 Tri-state if set
6 ??
7 (AVGA) If set the screen goes all white or black ?
3CEh index 11h (R/W):
bit 0 ??
3CEh index 40h (R/W): Control Register 0
bit 0 If set accesses to the upper bank (0A8000h-0AFFFFh) are calculated
from 0A8000h (I.e.. to create a 64K unified window index 46h should
be programmed with a value 8 larger than index 45h). If clear
accesses are relative to 0A0000h (I.e.. use same value in index 45h
and 46h).
1 If set the memory layout is different ?
2-7 ??
3CEh index 41h (R/W):
bit 0-2 ??
3CEh index 42h (R/W): CRTC Overflow
bit 0-1 Bit 8-9 of the Display Offset. Bits 0-7 are in 3d4h index 13h.
2-4 Display start Address bits 16-18. Bits 0-15 are in 3d4h index
5 ??
6 If set moves the display ~50 lines ??
7 ??
3CEh index 43h (R/W):
bit 0-7 ??
3CEh index 44h (R/W):
bit 0-7 ??
3CEh index 45h (R/W): Page Register 0
bit 0-7 Bank number in 4KB blocks for accesses to A000h-A7FFh.
(AVGA) In 16c planar modes the bank is in units of 1Kb
(QVision 1280) If 23C7h bit 4 is set the bank is in units of 16Kb
3CEh index 46h (R/W): Page Register 1
bit 0-7 Bank number in 4KB units for accesses to A800h-AFFFh
If index 40h bit 0 is set this value must be 8 larger than the value
in index 45h (8*4k = 32k) to provide a 64k unified window. If index
40h bit 0 is clear this value should be the same as in index 45h.
3CEh index 48h (R/W):
bit 0-3 High Area Memory (0=disabled, 1-0Eh = the 1MB boundary the HMA
starts at). The HMA is a 1MB continuos mapping of the video buffer.
0-7 (QVision) Lower 8 bits of the HMA start address
3CEh index 49h (R/W):
bit 0-7 (QVision) Upper 8 bits of the HMA start address
3CEh index 50h (R/W): (QVision)
bit 0-2 ??
3-6 Monitor (0,2,6??)
00h Compaq Internal Monitor
02h Compaq 16" Advanced Graphics Color Monitor
03h Compaq 1024 Color Monitor
04h QVision 200 (20") Color Monitor
05h Compaq SVGA Color Monitor
06h QVision 150 (15") Color Monitor or
Compaq 151 FS Color Monitor
0Eh Compaq 14" VGA Monitor (31.5 kHz)
7 ??
3CEh index 51h (R/W): (QVision)
bit 0 Divides clock by ~3.5 if set ???
1-2 ??
3 If clear blanks the left half of the display ??
4 Clock ??
5 Horizontal Retrace End bit 5. Bits 0-4 are in 3d4h index 5 bits 0-4.
6 Vertical Total bit 10. Bits 0-7 are in 3d4h index 6, bits 8&9 are
in 3d4h index 7.
7 Vertical Retrace Start bit 10. Bits 0-7 are in 3d4h index 10h.
3CEh index 52h (R/W):
bit 0
3CEh index 54h (R/W): Available Memory (QVision)
bit 0-7 Video Memory. 2: 512k, 4: 1024k, 8: 2048k
Note: For the QVision 1024, 0 apparently means 1024KB.
3CEh index 55h (R/W): PLL Clock
bit 0-7 ??
3CEh index 56h (R/W): Controller Capabilities (QVision)
bit 0-1 ??
2 Set for QVision 1280, clear for QVision 1024
3-7 ??
3CEh index 57h (R/W): Controller Capabilities II (QVision)
bit 0-7 ??
3CEh index 5Ah (R/W): (QVision)
bit 0-5 1 for copy, 2 for fill
6-7 Set to 3 or 0 ??
3CEh index 80h (R/W): (?)
bit 2-3 2=Plasma system.
4-6 Palette option: 1=Standard palette, 2=Option B, 5=option A,
6=option C.
3CEh index 81h (R/W): (?)
bit 2 Set for Palette option A-C and Standard palette, clear for option D.
13C6h - 13C9h are implemented as DAC regs REG0A,REG0B,REG08 and REG09 for the
QVision (DAC has RS2 = 0 and RS3 = 1).
23C0h W(R/W): Source Address (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-15 Address of source in DWORDs (256colors) or bytes (16colors).
(AVGA) Bit 16-17 are in 23C4h.
The exact address and size of the BitBLT can be adjusted by
33C0h,33C1h,33C8h and 33C9h
23C2h (R/W): Width of area (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-7 Width in DWORDs of the Blit area.
23C2h W(R/W): Width of BitBLT operation (QVision only)
bit 0-9 Width of the BitBLT area in pixels
23C4h W(R/W): Height of the BitBLT area
bit 0-9 Number of lines in Blit area.
10-11 (AVGA) Bit 8-9 of the Scanline Width. Bit 0-15 are in
12-13 (AVGA) Bit 16-17 of the distance. Bit 0-15 are in 23CCh.
14-15 (AVGA) Bit 16-17 of Source address. Bit 0-15 are in 23C0h.
23C6h (R/W):
23C7h (R/W):
bit 2 Set to enable Linear Frame Buffer.
4 Set to use 16K banks, clear to use original 4K banks
23CAh W(R/W): Scanline width. (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-15 Width of destination in DWORDs (256color) or bytes (16color).
Negative if moving backwards.
23CCh W(R/W): Destination Address (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-15 Distance between the Destination and the Source Address in DWORDs
(256colors) or bytes (16colors).
(AVGA) Bit 16-17 are in 23C4h bit 12-13.
23CCh W(R/W): Scanline Width (QVision)
bit 0- Bytes per scanline in the destination in units of 4 (DWORDs).
23CEh W(R/W): Scanline width. (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-15 Width of destination in DWORDs. Negative if moving backwards.
Note: one must be source and the other destination width
33C0h (R/W): (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-7 Start pixel of BitBLT source
33C1h (R/W): (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-7 Ending pixel of BitBLT destination
33C7h (R/W): (IVGS, AVGA only)
33C8h (R/W): (IVGS, AVGA only)
bit 0-1
Note: this is the same register as 3CEh index 3 ??
33C9h (R/W): (IVGS, AVGA only)
33CAh W(R/W): Fore/Back ground color ?
33CCh W(R/W): Fore/Background color
Note: Apparently the Fore/Background color registers must be written twice to
work properly.
33CEh (R/W): COP Status/Command
bit 0 (R) If set the CoProcessor is busy.
0-5 (W) 11h = Copy. 9 = Fill.
6 (W) Copy/Fill backwards if set
33CFh (R/W):
63C0h W(R/W): Source Bitmap X-address (QVision only)
bit 0-9 The X co-ordinate of the start of the Source Data.
63C2h W(R/W): Source Bitmap Y-address (QVision only)
bit 0-9 The Y co-ordinate of the start of the Source Data.
63C4h (R/W):
63C5h (R/W):
63CAh (R/W):
bit 0-2 1=4bit packed, 3=8bit packed, 5= 15bit, 7=24 bit (packed as RGBa)
6 After loading the BitMap Address and Size registers, wait for this
bit to be 0 before setting final registers and starting the
7 Wait for this bit to be 0, before loading the Source/Destination
address and BitMap size registers.
63CBh (R/W):
bit 0 Set for 2Mb?
2-3 Scanline Width. 0: 512 pixels/line, 1: 1024 pixels/line, 2: 2048
4-6 Set to 7 ?
63CCh W(R/W): Destination Bitmap X-address (QVision only)
bit 0-9 The X co-ordinate of the start of the Destination Data
63CEh W(R/W): Destination Bitmap Y-address (QVision only)
bit 0-9 The Y co-ordinate of the start of the Destination Data
83C4h (): Virtual Controller Select (QVision only)
83C6h-83C9h Extra DAC registers (RS2 = 1) on the AVGA and QVision boards
93C6h-93C9h Extra DAC registers (RS2 = 1, RS3 = 1) on QVision boards
93C6h W(R/W): Hardware Cursor Y-position
bit 0-9 The X-position of the right pixel of the hardware cursor.
93C8h W(R/W): Hardware Cursor X-position
bit 0-9 The Y-position of the lower scanline of the hardware cursor.
Note: Registers 3C6h-3C9h, 13C6h-13C9h, 83C6h-83C9h and 93C6h-93C9h are
physically in the Brooktree DAC.
The AVGA connects A15 to RS2 on the DAC so 4 extra DAC registers are
accessible at 83C6h-83C9h (if supported by the DAC), and the QVision
connects A15 to RS2 and A12 to RS3 so 12 extra DAC registers are available
at 83C6h-83C9h, 13C6h-13C9h and 93C6h-93C9h (if supported by the DAC).
ID Compaq super VGA:
if not testinx($3CE,$45) then
if testinx($3CE,$45) then
SubVers:=rdinx($3CE,$C) shr 3;
case SubVers of
3:name:='Compaq IVGS';
5:name:='Compaq AVGA';
6:name:='Compaq QVision 1024';
$E:if (rdinx(GRC,$56) and 4)>0 then name:='Compaq QVision 1280'
else name:='Compaq QVision 1024';
$10:name:='Compaq AVPort';
else UNK(Compaq)
Video Modes:
18h T 132 43 (AVGA) Mono
19h T 132 25 (AVGA) Mono
1Ah T 132 28 (AVGA) Mono
1Bh T 132 50 (AVGA) Mono
1Ch T 132 60 (AVGA) Mono
22h T 132 43
23h T 132 25
24h T 132 28
27h T 132 50
28h T 132 60
29h G 800 600 16c PL4
2Eh G 640 480 256c P8. Each scan line is 1024 bytes wide.
Remaining modes only supported by QVision boards:
32h G 640 480 256c P8 Each scan line is 1024 bytes wide
33h G 640 400 256c P8 Each scan line is 1024 bytes wide
34h G 800 600 256c P8 Each scan line is 1024 bytes wide
37h G 1024 768 16c PK4
38h G 1024 768 256c P8
39h G 1280 1024 16c PK4
3Ah G 1280 1024 256c P8 Each scan line is 2048 bytes wide
3Eh G 640 480 32k P15
40h G 640 400 2 Compaq Portable only
4Dh G 512 480 16m P32 Four bytes per pixel
4Eh G 640 400 16m P32 Four bytes per pixel
There appear to be two different systems: mode 2Eh uses a system based on the
memory address of the bitmaps involved, and with some fields packed.
Is this to keep compatibility with something ??
Mode 32h, 37h and 38h use a system based on the pixel addresses of the bitmaps
Also some of the registers appear to be mapped to more than one address ??
I.e.. drivers some times adds a value to the register address.
Compaq BIOS extensions:
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Portable Extensions - SELECT EXTERNAL MONITOR
AX = BF00h
Note: all registers preserved and the internal monitor is blanked
the external monitor becomes the active monitor
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Portable Extensions - SELECT INTERNAL MONITOR
AX = BF01h
Note: all registers preserved and the external monitor is blanked
the internal monitor becomes the active monitor
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Portable Extensions - SET MASTER MODE OF CURRENT CTRLR
AX = BF02h
BH = master mode
04h CGA
05h EGA
07h MDA
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Get Environment
AX = BF03h
BX = 0000h
Return: BH = active monitor
00h = external
01h = internal
03h = both
04h = neither
BL = master mode
00h = switchable VDU not present
04h = CGA
05h = EGA
07h = MDA
08h = switchable LCD controller present
09h = plasma VGA
0Ah = TFT (active matrix) VGA
CH = 00h (reserved)
(QVision) Bits 3-7: Chip ID (from 3CEh index 0Ch):
06h QVision 1024
0Eh QVision 1024 or 1280
CL = switchable VDU mode supported
bit 0 = CGA supported
bits 1,2 = reserved (1)
bit 3 = MDA supported
bits 4-7 = reserved (1)
Bit 0 Set if extended modes are enabled
4 BitBLT engine available if set
5 132-coloumn support available if set
6 640x480x256 mode available if set
7 8-bit DAC mode (256c of 16m) available if set
DH = internal monitor type (see below)
DL = external monitor type
00h = none
01h = dual-mode monitor
02h = 5153 RGB monitor (RGBI 16-color)
03h = Compaq Color monitor
04h = 640x400 flat panel (Plasma CGA)
05h = VGC monochrome
06h = VGC color
07h = 8-level mono LCD VGA (internal)
1024x768 mono VGA (external)
08h = 16-level mono plasma VGA (internal)
1024x768 color VGA (external)
09h = 4-level mono LCD CGA
0Ah = 16-level mono LCD VGA
0Bh = active-matrix color VGA
0Ch = active-matrix mono VGA
0Dh = STN color VGA
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Portable Extensions - Set Mode Switch Delay
AX = BF04h
BH = new state of delay
00h enabled
01h disabled
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Systempro Extensions - Enable/Disable Display
AX = BF05h
BH = new state of video
00h off
01h on
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq SLT/286 - Read Gray Scale Table
AX = BF06h
CL = address to be read from grey scale table
Return: AL = bit 3-0 - Value read from grey scale table
CL = address to be read from grey scale table
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq SLT/286 - Write Gray Scale Table
AX = BF07h
CH = value to write to grey scale table
CL = address to be written to grey scale table
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq SLT/286 - Write Color Mix Registers
AX = BF08h
CH = bits 7-4 - Green weight
bits 3-0 - Blue weight
CL = bits 7-4 - unused
bits 3-0 - Red weight
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Turn On Reverse Video
AX = BF09h
Return: CF clear
Note: sets bit 6 of port 03CEh index 81h; in some cases also sets index 84h
to 6Fh and index 83h to 04h
Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite ROM BIOS
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Turn Off Reverse Video
AX = BF0Ah
Return: CF clear
Note: clears bit 6 of port 03CEh index 81h; in some cases also sets index 84h
to 80h and index 83h to FBh
Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite ROM BIOS
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Check Whether Video Reversed
AX = BF0Bh
Return: CF clear
AX = state (0000h normal video, 0001h reversed video)
Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite ROM BIOS
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Set 6bit DAC Mode
AX = BF0Ch
Return: CF clear
Desc: specify that video DAC registers use only six bits of color info
Note: supported by AVGA, QVision boards and the SystemPro XL ROM BIOS
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Set 8bit DAC Mode
AX = BF0Dh
Return: CF clear
Desc: specify that video DAC registers use all eight bits of color info
Note: supported by AVGA, QVision boards and the SystemPro XL ROM BIOS
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Get DAC Resolution
AX = BF0Eh
Return: AL = 00h if DAC in 6bit mode
01h if DAC in 8bit mode
CF clear
Note: supported by AVGA, QVision boards and the SystemPro XL ROM BIOS
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Set Linear Video Buffer Address
AX = BF0Fh
BX = Linear Video Buffer Address in megabytes, or
0FFFFh to let ROM configure Linear Video Buffer Address
Return: AX = previous Linear Video Buffer Address
CF clear
Note: supported by AVGA, QVisions board and the SystemPro XL & LTE Lite ROM
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq QVision - Get Linear Video Buffer Address
AX = BF10h
Return: AX = Linear Video Buffer Address in megabytes
CF clear
Note: supported by AVGA, QVision boards and the SystemPro XL & LTE Lite ROM
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - Get Extended Environment
AX = BF11h
Return: AL = BFh
CF clear
ES:SI -> Advanced Functionality Table (4 bytes):
Bit 1 132-column modes supported if set
2 Set for QVision 1280's
4 Standard VGA modes supported if set
5 Accelerated VGA modes supported if set
6 Advanced VGA modes supported if set
7 QVision modes supported if set
8 Set for QVision 1280 and 1024's, clear for original
12-15 Video memory in 256K units, 0=256K, 1=512K...
Typical values are:
000030F2h Original QVision w/1MB??
000010F2h Original QVision w/512K??
000031F2h QVision 1024 w/1MB
000031F6h QVision 1280 w/1MB
000071F2h QVision 1024 w/2MB
000071F6h QVision 1280 w/2MB
ES:DI -> COMPAQ text and date
Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite and ProSignia
Note: Some sources have the table at ES:DI and the text&date at ES:BX
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - New Active Monitor
AX = BF12h
BH reserved
BL = function mask
bit 0 External monitor
1 Internal monitor
7 If set bits 0 and 1 activate the monitor when set,
if clear they toggle the state when set
Return: CF clear
Note: this function is a NOP if the VGA subsystem is inactive or the current
Display Combination Code is 10h or higher
Supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite and ProSignia
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq QVision - Gamma Correction
AX = BF13h
BH = 00h
BL = 00h Loads Gamma Correction table for true color mode
DS = BIOS data segment
01h Select Palette RAM bypass (direct DAC Mode)
Note: Only effective for Hi/TrueColor modes. Must be called after the mode has
been set and only have effect until the next mode switch
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq QVision (later models ??)
AX = BFE0h